How to Download and Install VisualV for GTA 5 in 2025

VisualV mod improving GTA 5 visuals with graphic enhancements for this article on how to install Visual 5

Getting Started with VisualV Mod: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking to enhance the graphics of Grand Theft Auto V, then VisualV is one of the best mods available. Not only does it improve lighting, reflections, shadows, but it also significantly boost the game’s overall visual fidelity, making Los Santos and Blaine County look more immersive than ever. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to download and install VisualV for GTA V in 2025, including optional customization settings and troubleshooting solutions.

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Step 1: Download the VisualV Mod

To ensure a safe and virus-free installation, download VisualV only from reputable sources like or click the button down below to go straight to VisualV download page.

button that redirects you to the download page for VisualV

  • Once on the website, click the “Download” button for VisualV.
The GTA 5-Mods website showing the VisualV 1.0.600 download page. A large green "Download" button is highlighted with a purple arrow pointing towards it, indicating the correct button to click for downloading the mod.

  • Then, confirm the download. (Be cautious not to click on misleading ads!)
the VisualV download confirmation page on A large green "Download" button is prominently displayed and highlighted with a purple arrow, directing users to click it to begin the download.

Once the download is complete, locate the file in either, your “Recent Download History” of your browser in the top right corner, or in your system’s default downloads folder 📁 on your computer.

a web browser's recent download history showing the downloaded VisualV 1.0.600.7z file. A purple arrow labeled "1" points to the download icon in the top-right corner, indicating where to access the recent downloads. Another purple arrow labeled "2" points to the folder icon, which opens the file's location. The downloaded file size is 196 MB, and it was downloaded one minute ago.

Generally, the downloaded file will be in .zip or .7z format.

  • Go ahead and extract the content of this file, if you don’t have any zip reader, you can install WinRAR here.

💡TIP: If you are using Windows 10/11, simply right-click the file and select “Extract All…”

the Downloads' folder on a Windows computer, displaying the VisualV 1.0.600.7z file. A right-click context menu is open, with a purple arrow pointing to the "Extract All..." option, indicating the next step to extract the compressed file.

At this point, you should now have access to all the necessary files, allowing you to proceed to the next step.

the extracted VisualIV 1.0.600 folder inside the Downloads directory on a Windows computer. The folder contains four items: ReadMe.txt, original files, installation via modPackage, and optionals. The directory path at the top shows that the files are inside C:\Users\rodov\Downloads\18fdf9-VisualV 1.0.600.

Now that we have downloaded and extracted the VisualV mod into our pc, let’s move onto the next step to learn how to install Visual 5 for Grand Theft Auto 5.

Step 2: Install VisualV

After we downloaded VisualV in the previous step, we are going to proceed with the installation process.

To install VisualV, you’ll need OpenIV installed, this is a modding tool for GTA 5. Therefore, if you don’t have it yet, click here to learn how to install OpenIV.

  • Launch OpenIV and click “Edit Mode” (Top right corner in OpenIV).
OpenIV software with the GTA V directory open. A purple arrow points to the "Edit mode" button in the top-right corner, indicating that users need to enable Edit Mode to modify game files. The left panel displays the game’s folder structure, including BattEye, mods, Redistributables, update, and x64 directories. The right panel shows various GTA V application files, such as GTAV.exe and PlayGTAV.exe.

  • Click the “Package Installer” icon Package Installer icon in OpenIV in OpenIV and a new window will open.
OpenIV software with the GTA V directory open. A purple arrow points to the "Package Installer" button, represented by a green icon with a white folder, indicating where users should click to install .oiv mod files.

  • Locate the previously extracted VisualV folder from the first step and open the “installation via modPackage” folder. Then, select VisualV.oiv” and click Open
he OpenIV file selection window displaying the installation via modPackage folder. A purple arrow labeled "1" points to the VisualV.oiv file, which is selected for installation. Another purple arrow labeled "2" highlights the "Open" button, indicating the next step to proceed with the mod installation. The file type filter is set to OpenIV Package (.oiv, .zip), ensuring the correct file format is selected.

  • You will get a brief summary of what you are installing, then click “Install”.
VisualIV 1.0.600 Package Installer in OpenIV. A purple arrow points to the "Install" button on the right side, indicating the next step to proceed with the installation. The description below highlights VisualIV’s features, such as rewritten weather effects, improved color correction, enhanced draw distance, corrected moon movement, and volumetric fog improvements. The package includes a note stating that it cannot be uninstalled automatically.

  • Choose “mods folder”, this way we don’t affect the original installation of GTA 5 and can always revert the changes.
he VisualIV 1.0.600 Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Select location to install" window. A purple arrow points to the recommended option, "mods" folder, which ensures the mod is installed safely without modifying the base game files. Below, an alternative option labeled "Game folder" is available but not selected. The "Cancel" button is visible at the bottom of the window.

  • Then, click “Install” again and wait for the installation to complete.
the VisualIV 1.0.600 Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Confirm installation" window. A purple arrow points to the "Install" button, indicating the final step to proceed with installing the mod. The installation details show that the mod will be installed in the "mods" folder within the GTA V directory located at C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V. A note at the bottom states that the package cannot be uninstalled automatically, and an "Always show this dialog" checkbox is enabled. The "Cancel" button is also visible as an alternative option.

  • Finally, click “Close” to finish the process.
the VisualIV 1.0.600 Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Installation succeeded" message. A purple arrow points to the "Close" button, indicating the final step to exit the installer. The window also provides an option to "Run Grand Theft Auto V", allowing users to launch the game and check the installed mod. Additionally, a "Open installation log" link is available for reviewing installation details.

Now you have VisualV installed,in order to unlock all the advanced graphical features, continue to next step to learn how to customize VisualV.

Step 3: Customize VisualV Graphics Options (Optional)

To make the graphics even better, VisualV includes some extra add-ons. But you don’t have to install all of them. Instead, you can pick the ones that work best for you and your computer.

Open side by side the folder we extracted earlier and OpenIV on split screen to make the process easier. (See image below for reference)

  • Make sure to have “Edit Modeselected.
a split-screen view of two windows. On the left, a File Explorer window displays the extracted VisualIV 1.0.600 folder, containing ReadMe.txt, original files, installation via modPackage, and optionals folders. On the right, OpenIV software is open with the GTA V directory, showing various game files and folders. A purple arrow points to the "Edit mode" button in OpenIV, indicating that users need to enable it before modifying game files.

  • Now open the “optionals” folder within the VisualV extracted file.
File Explorer window displaying the extracted VisualIV 1.0.600 folder. A purple arrow points to the "optionals" folder, highlighting it as the next step in the installation process. Other visible files include ReadMe.txt, original files, and installation via modPackage folders.

  • In here you will see multiple folders, open them in alphabetical order, starting with “Advanced motion blur”.
File Explorer window displaying the contents of the "optionals" folder from the VisualIV 1.0.600 mod. A purple highlight surrounds the "Advanced motion blur" folder, indicating it as a selectable enhancement. Other visible optional folders include Dynamic shadows from pedestrian vehicles, Earth’s Atmosphere, ENB settings, Procedural shadows, Removed grass dithering + trees reflections, and ReShade preset (performance loss).

  • Once in the folder, drag and drop the “advancedblur.asi” and “advancedblur.ini” files into the OpenIV interface, like the image below.
a split-screen view showing File Explorer on the left and OpenIV on the right. In File Explorer, the "Advanced motion blur" folder is open, displaying two files: advancedblur.asi and advancedblur.ini, both highlighted. A purple arrow points from these files to the OpenIV window, indicating that they need to be dragged and dropped into the GTA V directory. The OpenIV window displays various Dynamic-link library (DLL) files, with "Edit mode" enabled at the top.

  • Now go to the next folder named “Dynamic shadows from pedestrian vehicles” and drag the content into the OpenIV launcher.
 split-screen view showing File Explorer on the left and OpenIV on the right. In File Explorer, the "Dynamic shadows from pedestrian vehicles" folder is open, displaying two highlighted files: shadows.asi and shadows.ini. A purple arrow points from these files to the OpenIV window, indicating that they need to be dragged and dropped into the GTA V directory. The OpenIV window shows various Dynamic-link library (DLL) files, with "Edit mode" enabled at the top.

  • Next, we will click the “Open Package Installer” within OpenIV.
OpenIV software with the GTA V directory open. A purple arrow points to the "Package Installer" button, represented by a green icon with a white folder, indicating where users should click to install .oiv mod files.

  • Head over to the Earth’s atmosphere folder and click the earth_atmosphere.oiv file.
a File Explorer window displaying a single file named earth_atmosphere.oiv inside a folder. The .oiv file format indicates that this is an OpenIV package file, which can be installed using OpenIV’s Package Installer to modify GTA V’s atmosphere settings.

Follow the steps below to complete the Earth’s atmosphere installation.

the VisualIV - Earth's Atmosphere Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying an installation window. A purple highlight surrounds the "Install" button, indicating the next step to proceed with installing the mod. The description states that this optional addon simulates Earth's atmosphere when flying at high altitudes. It also instructs users to place atmosphere.asi and atmosphere.ini files into the main folder. The changelog section is visible below, providing additional mod details.
Click Install.
the VisualIV - Earth's Atmosphere Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Select location to install" window. The "mods" folder option is highlighted in yellow and outlined in purple, indicating it as the recommended installation location. Below, an alternative "Game folder" option is available but not selected. A "Cancel" button is visible at the bottom for users who wish to exit the installation process.
Select “mods” folder
he VisualIV - Earth's Atmosphere Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Confirm installation" window. A purple highlight surrounds the "Install" button, indicating the next step to proceed with installing the mod. The details show that the package will be installed in the "mods" folder within the GTA V directory (C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V). A checkbox labeled "Always show this dialog" is selected, and a "Cancel" button is available as an alternative option.
Click Confirm Installation.
he VisualIV - Earth's Atmosphere Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Installation succeeded" message. A purple highlight surrounds the "Close" button, indicating the final step to exit the installer. The window also features a "Run Grand Theft Auto V" button, allowing users to launch the game and check the installed mod. Additionally, an "Open installation log" link is available for reviewing installation details.
Press Close after installation finishes.

⚠️ Important: I had an error while installing the Earth’s atmosphere, as shown below.

the VisualIV - Earth's Atmosphere Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying a "The installation failed" error message in red text. The message states that a fatal error occurred during installation and advises checking the log file for error details. A purple highlight surrounds the "Close" button, indicating the option to exit the installer. Additionally, an "Open installation log" link is available for users to review detailed error information.

The solution is to this common error is the following:

  • Open the Task Manager and go to Process.
  • Look for GTA V or Rockstart Games and Right Click on each of them and Close Task.

That should get rid of the installation failed problem.

  • Next we will install the ENB settings, head over to that folder, and drag everything into the OpenIV launcher.
a split-screen view showing File Explorer on the left and OpenIV on the right. In File Explorer, the "ENB settings" folder is open, displaying multiple files, including enbeffect.fx, enblocal.ini, enbseries.ini, weatherdetector.asi, and enblightsprite.fx, all highlighted in purple. A purple arrow points from these files to the OpenIV window, indicating that they need to be dragged and dropped into the GTA V directory. The OpenIV window shows various ASI plugins, config files, and game-related directories, with "Edit mode" enabled at the top.

At this moment it is time to add the Procedural shadows, Since it’s an “.oiv” we have to install it using the “Package Installer“.

  • Now, we will click the “Open Package Installer” within OpenV
OpenIV software with the GTA V directory open. A purple arrow points to the "Package Installer" button, represented by a green icon with a white folder, indicating where users should click to install .oiv mod files.

  • Next, select the procedural.oiv file.
a File Explorer window displaying a single file named procedural.oiv inside a folder. The .oiv file format indicates that this is an OpenIV package file, which can be installed using OpenIV’s Package Installer to modify procedural shadows in GTA V.

  • Now follow the installation steps below.
he VisualIV - Procedural Shadows Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying an installation window. A purple highlight surrounds the "Install" button, indicating the next step to proceed with installing the mod. The description mentions that this optional add-on adds shadows for procedural objects such as small bottles, leaves, and boxes. The changelog section is visible below, providing additional mod details.
the VisualIV - Procedural Shadows Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Select location to install" window. The "mods" folder option is highlighted in purple, indicating it as the recommended installation location. Below, an alternative "Game folder" option is available but not selected. A "Cancel" button is also visible at the bottom for users who wish to exit the installation process.
the VisualIV - Procedural Shadows Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Confirm installation" window. A purple highlight surrounds the "Install" button, indicating the next step to proceed with the installation. The details confirm that the package will be installed in the "mods" folder within the GTA V directory (C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V). A checkbox labeled "Always show this dialog" is selected, and a "Cancel" button is also available as an alternative option.
the VisualIV - Procedural Shadows Package Installer in OpenIV, displaying the "Installation succeeded" message. A purple highlight surrounds the "Close" button, indicating the final step to exit the installer. The window also includes a "Run Grand Theft Auto V" button, allowing users to launch the game and check the installed mod. Additionally, an "Open installation log" link is available for reviewing installation details.

  • Next, we are going to install the grass.oiv, we need to use the Open Package Installer within OpenIV.
OpenIV software with the GTA V directory open. A purple arrow points to the "Package Installer" button, represented by a green icon with a white folder, indicating where users should click to install .oiv mod files.

  • Next, select the grass.oiv file and click open.
a File Explorer window displaying a single file named grass.oiv inside a folder. The .oiv file format indicates that this is an OpenIV package file, which can be installed using OpenIV’s Package Installer to modify grass textures and vegetation in GTA V.

Follow the installation process for grass.oiv.

Lastly, we are going to add the Reshade preset, this might cause some performance loss, but it will definitely improve the looks of your game. You can also install ReShade using this link.

  • To add the Reshade preset, just open the ReShade folder and drop all the files into the OpenIV interface.
a split-screen view showing File Explorer on the left and OpenIV on the right. In File Explorer, the "ReShade preset (performance loss)" folder is open, displaying multiple highlighted files, including weatherdetector.asi, dxgi.ini, preset.ini, ReShade64.dll, ReShade64.ini, and the ReShade folder. A purple arrow points from these files to the OpenIV window, indicating that they need to be dragged and dropped into the GTA V directory. The OpenIV window displays various ASI plugins, config files, and game-related directories, with "Edit mode" enabled at the top.

Great job! Now you know how to download and install VisualV for GTA V in 2025! This mod makes the game look better by improving the lighting, weather, and graphics. It also has extra add-ons, but you don’t have to use all of them—just pick the ones that work best for your computer.

If you had any trouble installing VisualV, don’t worry! The next section will help you fix common problems so you can get it working smoothly.

VisualV Troubleshooting

Sudden Lighting Changes in Rockstar Editor

Users have reported abrupt lighting shifts when viewing bright areas or the sun within the Rockstar Editor. This issue can be addressed by adjusting specific parameters in the visualsettings.dat file. Setting [Adaptation.min.step.size] to 0, [Adaptation.max.step.size] to 1 or less, and [Adaptation.step.size.mult] to 0.0 has been found to resolve the problem.

Compatibility Issues with Other Mods

Conflicts may arise when VisualV is used alongside other graphics mods, such as NaturalVision. These conflicts can lead to unintended visual effects or performance issues. To mitigate this, ensure that all mods are compatible and properly configured. Consult the documentation of each mod for guidance on compatibility.

Dim or Weak Vehicle Headlights

Some players notice that vehicle headlights appear too dim after installing VisualV. This can be corrected by adjusting the radiance settings in visualsettings.dat or using an optional radiance overhaul included with VisualV. Ensuring that brightness settings in the game’s graphics menu are properly configured can also help improve visibility.

FAQs about VisualV

What is VisualV?

VisualV is a graphic overhaul modification for Grand Theft Auto V that offers a completely redone time cycle, edited timecycle modifiers for various areas/interiors, and numerous visual improvements to enhance the game’s graphics.

How do I install VisualV?

To install VisualV, you’ll need to use OpenIV, a modding tool for GTA V. After downloading VisualV, extract the files and use OpenIV’s package installer to install the “VisualV.oiv” package. Detailed installation instructions are often provided in the mod’s documentation or can be found in community guides.

Is VisualV compatible with other mods?

VisualV is compatible with many mods, but conflicts can occur, especially with other graphics modifications like NaturalVision or R☆hancer Photorealism Mod. It’s essential to check the compatibility notes provided by the mod authors and the community. Always back up your game files before installing new mods to prevent potential issues.